Press Page 8

Scholar’s Corner
VIDEO: Watch Ken Braun’s Fall 2023 Scholarship Critique, with Winner Jocelyn Chiu
January 11th, 2023
Check out Jocelyn’s website today and watch critique session with Ken Braun, founder of Lounge Lizard Worldwide and a judge for The Webby Awards.
Video Poster
Broadway league1
December 26th, 2021
4 min read
Membership portal website design project launches for The Broadway League

Making an adjustment for a website that is in use constantly can seem like a monumental task but with the membership portal website design project that […]

ios app development
December 26th, 2021
3 min read
IOS App developers at Lounge Lizard Cheer On the Launch of Cheery

The IOS App developers at Lounge Lizard are cheering on the launch of Cheery, an app designed to help inject positivity into your life. It’s been […]

Apple watch1
December 26th, 2021
3 min read
Apple watch developers at Lounge Lizard Celebrate the Launch of Total Connect

The Apple watch developers at Lounge Lizard are celebrating the launch of Total Connect, a remote services app from Honeywell. It is truly an example of […]

international academy of digital arts & sciences induct ken braun
December 26th, 2021
4 min read
Ken Braun Inducted into the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences

Lounge Lizard is thrilled to announce that Ken Braun was inducted into the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. The International Academy of Digital Arts […]

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