NEW ARTICLES Tech Highlights – Page 2

The big list of top wordpress plugins
August 23rd, 2022
6 min read
The Big List Of Top WordPress Plugins

The world of WordPress plugins can be rather confusing. Many people take advantage of WordPress, the open source tool businesses of all types use for blogging […]

Insider design tips for smartwatch ui
August 23rd, 2022
6 min read
Insider Design Tips For Smartwatch UI’s

The release of the Apple Watch has brought much needed attention back to the smartwatch sector, which makes now a good time to share our insider […]

The best ux concept to consider when designing apple watch apps
August 23rd, 2022
8 min read
The Best UX Concept To Consider When Designing Apple Watch Apps

What is the best UX concept to consider when designing Apple Watch apps? Is it to create something that replicates the functionality of a smartphone app? […]

Why should you be using an Android Launcher
January 18th, 2024
5 min read
Why should you be using an Android Launcher?

Are you getting the most out of your smart phone? That is a great question and for those people who use an Android-based phone the answer […]

Keeping your website safe from the heartbleed bug
August 23rd, 2022
5 min read
Keeping your Website safe from the Heartbleed bug

By now most people have heard about the Heartbleed bug as there have been plenty of “scare” news stories out there. However while those stories have […]

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